Synopsis: Enjoy this exceptional opportunity to witness Jean-Pierre Barral — the developer of Visceral Manipulation and Nerve Manipulation — as he demonstrates his skills on pre-selected cases and audience volunteers (time permitting). Observe hands-on presentations in particular areas, such as paediatrics, geriatrics, low-back pain or fibromyalgia. Then spend the afternoon with Jean-Pierre Barral as he discusses these and other cases from a Visceral Manipulation viewpoint. It’s a rare opportunity to gain insight and expertise from one of the world’s leading authorities in complementary care.
Course Highlights:
- Receive detailed explanations as the instructor proceeds through each case.
- Closely observe the nuances of Barral’s distinctive treatment style.
- Gain valuable information from other VM practitioners – the cases they’re working on, areas they need advice in, patient successes.
Course Length: 1 day
Prerequisite: Any healthcare practitioner may attend; only alumni of VM2 (Abdomen 2) or higher-level courses may participate in question-and-answer sessions.
Required Advance Reading: None.